Building and planning regulatory systems.
“Streamlining the development and building approvals process”, for RESCON, 2018.
Working with a distinguished team of planning and building regulatory system experts, Michael de Lint prepared this report while working at RESCON. The project’s Steering Group was chaired by Bryan Tuckey, former President of BILD and former Assistant Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Tim Moore was the project’s consultant and a key contributor.
The report has had a significant impact on Ontario’s recent initiatives to streamline the development approvals system.
“Good Practices for Construction Regulation and Enforcement Reform
Guidelines for Reformers”, The World Bank Group, 2013
A link to a pdf version of the report can be found at the world bank publications site.
This report includes a review of case studies describing a wide range of building regulatory systems around the world. These case studies show the wide range of approaches to building regulation with regulatory strategies that range from building-centric to builder-centric. The case studies also highlight the importance of transparency and peer review. Michael de Lint, working with the World Bank’s Thomas Moullier, was the primary consultant for this report. He wrote several of the book’s case studies and was a key contributor to other parts of the report.
“Building regulation for resilience: managing risks for safer cities”, The World Bank Group, 2015
A link to a pdf version of the report can be found at the world bank publications site.
This report was prepared by Thomas Moullier and a team of consultants from around the world, including Michael de Lint.
Mid-rise and tall wood buildings
“Fire Safety during Construction for Five and Six Storey Wood Buildings in Ontario: A Best Practice Guideline”, 2016
A link to the guideline can be found at the OFM (Ontario Fire Marshal).
The project coordinator and report’s main author was Michael de Lint. The document was developed jointly with the Office of the Fire Marshall, Woodworks and RESCON. Other key contributors to the report included: Steven Street; Ineke Van Zeeland and Kim Bailey.
“Ontario’s tall wood building reference: A technical resource for developing Alternative Solutions under Ontario’s Building Code”, 2017.
This guide was developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH). Project coordinator was the MNR’s Jason Koivisto. The main authors of the report were Dr. David Moses (structural engineer), and Dr. Steven Craft (fire safety engineer).
Delintconsulting (last updated February 18, 2023)
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